Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Body Suspension, Is it Really an Art?

Doing a little research, I discover that the most common reason why other people perform body suspension  is curiosity, in other words, they just love to do it.

For those who are not familiar with the term body suspension, Let me give you a little fundamental information about that. Body suspension is an act of suspending the human body via temporary piercing. The body then raised partially or completely above the ground. Letting the body feels the pull of the gravity and the pain of the piercing at the same time.

The hooks are typically fishing hooks that have been modified to suit the needs of suspension by removing the barbs and possible reshaping. The rigging used to suspend the person is nylon high tensile rope similar to what mountain climbers use. This rigging is then attached to a pulley system to raise and lower the suspended person.

There are several common types of body suspensions.

Chest (O-Kee-Pa) – Vertical Chest Suspension; Two hooks are placed in the chest and the body is suspended vertically.

Coma – Horizontal Face Up; Hooks are placed in the chest, abdomen, arms, and/or legs and the body is suspended horizontally.

Crucifix – Vertical Back And Arm Suspension – Hooks are placed in the back and the arms so that the suspended person appears to be hanging on a cross, with his or her arms held straight out to the side.

Resurrection – Horizontal Face Up; Hooks are placed in two rows on the stomach. Suspension gives the impression of rising from death as the suspended is all curved back.

Suicide - Vertical Back Suspension; Hooks are placed in the upper back and the body is suspended vertically.

Superman - Horizontal Face Down; Hooks are placed in the back, arms, and/or legs and the body is suspended horizontally.

Why would someone want to pierce their skin and be raised from the ground? The reasons are as diverse as the people who participate in body suspension.

Some use suspension as a form of meditation to gain a higher level of spiritual awareness. Others use the process of body suspension to mark a significant event or a turning point in their life.


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