Friday, May 11, 2012

New Kids Activities, Know How To Make A Butterfly Crafts

With class or holidays, creating butterfly crafts is a good activity for kids. It is a great theme for projects for kids less than 12 years old.

Here are some examples of butterfly crafts plus the directions on how to make it.

1. The Cute Clothes Pin Butterfly, made from household items and creativity, this butterfly crafts is good for kids 2 and up. This project by Allison from Alli ‘N Sons will delight children ages 2 and up.

Things Needed

Wooden Clothes Pin
Paper Coffee Filter
Spray Bottle
Pipe Cleaner

2. The Bug Buddies Crafts,  Having fun with the bugs? Maybe this crafts is for you.  Time to put a little art on the insects. 

Things Needed

Pipe cleaners
Craft Beads
Craft Glue
Googly Eyes
Permanent Markers

3. Footprint Made Butterfly,  time to make your footprint a little spices, Make your kids' footprint be a butterfly wings. this will  add joy to your kids.


•two baby feet
•washable, nontoxic, poster paint
•old rags or sponge
•thick cardstock or canvas
•newspaper or tarp to cover work area

4. Toilet Butterfly, who said that toilet paper and cardboard  roll are useless? Great news. You can now use your toilet cardboard paper roll as   your butterfly. Just put a little touch of colors.

Things Needed

Bobunny dot cardstock
 a toilet paper roll,
Bobunny double dot ribbon,
googly eyes,
 a 1.5 inch flower punch
a 1/2 inch circle punch, and adhesives.

Which crafts do you things is more fun to do? Enjoy



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