Monday, May 7, 2012

Youngest Mother Documented, Peruvian Girl Named Lina Medina

According to the record, it is a five year old Peruvian girl from the village of Andean, Ticrapo who made a medical history; Lina Medina gave birth to a boy by a cesarean section on the year 1939 at the age of five years, seven months and 21 days to be exact.

Making the story more interesting, it happened exactly on May 14 1939 which is also the same date as the Mother’s Day when she delivered a six pound baby boy. At first, they thought it was a large abdominal tumor, but after they took her at the hospital for check for Lina’s abdominal swelling, Physicians confirmed that her abdominal swelling was due to pregnancy.

Unfortunately, authorities were never able to determine who is the Father of Lina’s child.


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